
Propaganda Leaflets

(Leaflet 1, side 1)
In our far off land,
Where all’smat hand,
And there’s nothing that they need.
Life carries on
In that same old song
Of war they give no heed.

And far from here,
With wine and beer,
And the luxuries of life.
Sits the 'business bug'
With girls to hug'
Or in bed with another’s wife.

(related websites: http://www.btinternet.com/~rrnotes/psywarsoc/fleaf/ww2misc.htm http://www.psywarrior.com/sexandprop.html)

(Leaflet 1, side 2)
It's your job to die!

(Leaflet 2, side 1)
Kid from the U.S.
You are fighting in Europe, Why?

Why do you risk your life?

To save the Western Hemisphere from a threatening "Nazi Invasion"?

You could not possibly believe in that trash propaganda handed out by American bigwigs to keep citizens in a proper frenzy.

With Europe some 2000 miles even beyond the Pan-American 300-miles safety belt you know damned well:

It's not "Hemisphere defense" that sent you over to give a flesh and blood performance.
But then what is it?

Turn around and have a look at the "Friendly Folks back home", those who stimulated the big war boom eager to collect the prosperous profits -

Your job is easy:

You just got to die to fill their pockets.

See how it works?

(Leaflet 2, side 2)
Poor Jerry!
You don't have this: the slacker for whom we fight and to whom we leave our girls

Look here:
This is the man who stands between you and me

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